Using Summer Wisely

Summer is often a time for rest and relaxation, and putting struggles of school and stress of running kids around to the side. Even as an adult, the excitement of summer brings dreams of staying up late with friends, listening to live music outside, and going on vacation. But, what if you used summertime to build the skills necessary to have a successful school year? What if you balanced rejuvenation time with promoting your mental health and started the fall prepared for any stressors that may come your way? 

Through cultivation of purposeful activities at home and mental health support in the office, you can live a happier and healthier life. Intentional and mindful experiences at home might include making art, cooking, walking through nature, and meditating. Any experience where you are fully engaged in the activity and feeling the experience is helpful. Some people need support in exploring what these experiences might look like and feel like for them.  In-office services of art therapy, music therapy or drama therapy might be the support you need to build strategies.

This summer we have several therapists opening up additional appointments in order to support clients wanting “intensive therapy” (or more frequent) sessions. Oftentimes, people have more flexibility in the summer and can meet more often between vacation, school time off, and work. Meeting twice per week may provide support to clients who need consistent support in building strategies that will help them all year round. Our creative therapists make therapy fun and engaging and with the right fit, you will find renewal of emotional health and preparation for the fall. 

In addition to individual creative therapies, we also have groups that may be a good addition to your current regime. Creative arts programs provide an expressive space to practice skills, connect with others and find fulfillment in a different and fun way.  Drama therapy groups and self-portraits as therapy are just two of the groups we have available for 13+ this summer. 

Contact us if you are looking to utilize your summer to boost creativity, practice mindful experiences, or build skills to support your mental health.

Anna McChesney